Riverside County, California   -   Copyright © 2023 FocusOnAgents.com

Videos (Perfect for the MLS)

$89 - 1 to 2-minute video with music. (UnBranded)

$139 - 1 to 2-minute video with music and a professional voice-over. (UnBranded)


Read the article.  Give a copy to your listing clients.

Community Photos

Community Photos will require extra time for driving and site location setup. The number of different locations will also play a factor in pricing. Instead of charging by the photo, a flat fee of $25 per 1/4 hour will be in place. (Community Photos are valuable and can be reused in your future listings, so make sure to save them).

Drone Images (FAA Certified - $1M Liability Insurance)

$89 - To add necessary Drone images WHILE performing other work on site.

$169 - When driving to the listing for Drone images only. 1 hour on-site.

Classic Still Photos

$169 - Get up to 25 Classic Still Photos or 1 hour on location. - Then $25 for each additional 1/4 hour or about five photos per 1/4 hour.  (Your number of photos will depend on the home's readiness. Watch the video).

Twilight Photos

$169 - Photos are taken DURING the Twilight hour. 1 hour on site.  (Quality = A+)

$59 - Day Time image/s digitally converted to Twilight. (Quality = C-)

There are many other services I can do for you. Give me a call and we'll come up with a plan that'll best work for you.